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Spinal Decompression For Disc Herniation or Disc Bulge
Have you been diagnosed with a Herniated Disc or Bulging Disc? Did anyone give you a detailed explanation of what is happening to you?
Spinal Disc Herniation or Disc Bulge are painful conditions caused by damage to the intervertebral disc. In the past, these conditions were called “slipped disc”, which is an incorrect diagnosis. The disc doesn’t slip out of place, and it certainly can't be “put back.”
Between each pair of vertebrae is a jelly like substance which is kept in place by ligaments that attach one vertebra to the next. The purpose of the disc is to reduce pressure on the spine while still maintaining mobility.
In the case of a Bulging Disc, generalized tearing to the ligaments surrounding the disc, creates an Out Pouching, often described as a tire that has lost some of its air pressure. It sags outward from the centre, sometimes coming in contact with nerve roots in the spinal canal or the exit point of the nerve from the canal This causes pain in the back, buttock or leg that gradually gets worse.
A HERNIATED DISC is different. The tearing of the ligaments is more localized and complete, allowing the jelly-like nucleus pulposus to leak outward. Imagine squeezing a jelly donut and seeing the inner jelly ooze out. The proximity of the nerves exiting the spinal canal means that they become irritated or sometimes “pinched” by the disc herniation. This creates sharp pain that travels down the back of the leg. But, be aware that sometimes there is no back pain associated with a disc herniation.
To diagnose whether there is a disc bulge or disc herniation the focus should be on which type of movements increase or decrease the pain. Reflexes should be tested to see if there is any effect of the disc on the nerve roots that pass close by the disc. Other hands on tests of the low back help to identify the exact location of the bulge or herniation. The muscles around the injured disc are usually very tight as your body attempts to brace the area and reduce the pain. Unfortunately, this usually is very effective.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is an effective way to treat disc pain. Spinal decompression treatment involves a specialized table to stretch the spine top to bottom. This action stretches and relaxes the deep spinal muscles that go from one vertebra to the next, relieving pressure on the injured disc and reducing the out pouching to some degree. The results of the pyhsical examination, the spinal decompression stretching may include some bending at the hips. Gentle, repeated stretching motion is done with the assistance of the specialized table. This is often very relaxing for the patient. Over time and with home exercises, Spinal Decompression Therapy gets rid of or greatly reduces pain from the injured disc.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is affordable and does not cost more than regular chiropractic treatment. So, if you have back pain with buttock or leg pain, or have been diagnosed with a disc bulge or herniation, visit Dr. Doug for Spinal Decompression Therapy and get some relief!

Affordable Spinal Decompression Therapy
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